Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday - March 2013

On Palm Sunday I visited once again another church in SLC as I have done many times during my sabbatical. I am trying to get a sense of why such a large percentage of 18-22 years leave this church. The church I attended this morning was composed primarily of 18 to mid-thirty young adults. The service is what I expected, a couple of songs that were hard to sing and a message that lacked a clear crystalizing point. Perhaps my biggest frustration was that the significance of Palm Sunday was briefly mentioned and there were no Palm Froms. 

I do not mean to be grumpy, though I am deeply concerned about the lack of history many of the churches I have visited manifest. Without at least a few connections to the Church, her history and the whoop and warf of the church year, all one can do is connect their faith to their immediate experience. It seems to me that at a minimum the contemporary church needs reconnect with Advent and Lent, including Holy Week. 

In struck me this morning that perhaps Robert Weber's Ancient-Future approach to worship deserves a second look. 

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